Uploading Your Audience

Uploading Your Audience

A popular feature of Tandem Surveys is the ability to upload your Audience into the platform, and then send them a survey by email (or SMS, and Whatsapp coming soon!).  Common examples include employees from an HR System, or customers from a CRM system.

You can do this with a .csv file, however the file needs to be prepared properly first to ensure a successful upload.  

Upon navigating to the Recipients page from the main left side bar,  you will find two options at the top of the page.
Add Recipient
These will provide you with the facilities to upload your survey recipients into the system.

A sample CSV File is presented on the upload recipients page for you to pre-fill and bulk upload recipients into the system.
We use the following format (each option being a 'column' in a .csv file).
Email, Firstname, Lastname, Mobile, Tag Header1, Tag Header2, Tag Header3, ... as many tags as you like
Mandatory fields are as follows:
  1. Email (Mandatory, must contain a unique value)
  2. Firstname (Mandatory, must contain a value)
  3. Lastname (Mandatory, value may be empty last name will be populated as an empty string in system)
An example of how to prepare this file would be as follows;
Email, Firstname, Lastname, Mobile, Role, Gender, Tenure
user1@test.com, user, one, 123456789, Accountant, Female, 0-3 years
user2@test.com, user, two, 123456789, Chemist, Male, 3-5 years
user3@test.com, user, three, 123456789, Scheduler, Other, 5-10 years
user4@test.com, user, four, 123456789, Accountant, Prefer not to say, 0-3 years
You can see in the above example we can have an unlimited number of tags and they can be used for any purpose, when loaded into the system they will attach to each user as "Group:Value".  You can set all parameters yourself.

In our example above, these are the tags that would appear against each user.
Role: Accountant
Role: Chemist
Role: Scheduler
Role: Accountant
Gender: Female
Gender: Male
Gender: Other
Gender: Prefer not to say
Tenure: 0-3 Years
Tenure: 3-5 Years
Tenure: 5-10 Years
Tenure: 0-3 Years

The tag headers and tag values in your upload file can be whatever you like them to be, this allows for a great level of flexibility at the reporting stage of your survey, there are no requirements and no predefined values feel free to add any tags and any values you like.

What this then means is that if you want to create a report of the results to compare Gender, or people who fit into different categories of Tenure, you can.  Tandem provides you with complete flexibility.

You can also edit tags later if you choose and re-run reports.
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